The Future of Freight: How AI Can Slash Your Operating Costs by 50%

Picture this: Your freight operations are not just efficient but nearly effortless. The time-consuming, repetitive tasks are taken care of automatically. No longer bogged down by endless data entry or rigid processes, your team is free to focus on what truly matters: driving growth, building stronger client relationships, and staying ahead of the competition. 

This isn’t a dream. It’s the reality that AI is bringing to the freight forwarding industry today. At Starboard, we’re leading this transformation with AI-powered solutions that can cut your operating costs by up to 50%.

The New Era of Freight Forwarding

Have you ever received a cold call and wondered, “Is this even a real person?” Chances are, it wasn’t. AI is quietly reshaping industries and freight forwarding is no exception. The potential it unlocks to streamline operations, reduce costs, and improve accuracy is nothing short of game-changing.

Traditional freight forwarding software presents challenges and limitations: 

  1. Rigid Process Standardization: How often have you had to tell a client, “This is just how our system works”? It’s frustrating for you and your clients, but it’s a reality many of us have faced.
  2. High Training Costs: Training teams on complex systems can be a serious drain on resources, with costs reaching as high as $700 per hour. And for what? A system no one actually likes?
  3. Manual Data Entry: Data entry is one of those tasks everyone loves to hate. It’s labor-intensive, time-consuming, and frankly, outdated.

AI Bots: Your New Operational Superpower

Enter AI bots—your secret weapon in the fight against inefficiency. At Starboard, we’ve developed AI tools that tackle these challenges head-on, bringing a new level of efficiency to your operations. 

Here’s how:

  1. Goodbye Manual Data Entry: Imagine a world where your team no longer spends hours sifting through emails to process shipments. Our AI bots do that for you, integrating seamlessly into your operations with over 98% accuracy. This means your team can focus on higher-level tasks like vendor management and client relationships, instead of getting bogged down in data entry.
  2. Automatic Document Generation: Generating essential documents like Air Waybills (AWBs), House Bills of Lading (HBLs), and invoices is time-consuming. But with Starboard’s AI bots, that’s no longer the case. Our bots pull data directly from emails and carrier servers, slashing document generation time by 80%. Your team becomes document reviewers, ensuring accuracy while AI handles the heavy lifting.
  3. Client-Specific SOPs: Forget about forcing your processes onto your clients. Our AI bots learn and execute your clients’ specific Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs). They can even handle 30-40% of incoming emails, allowing your team to focus on more critical tasks.
  4. Proactive Follow-Up: AI bots aren’t just about efficiency—they’re about proactivity. Our bots automatically follow up with truckers, ports, and railroads, ensuring that shipments proceed smoothly. They interact like humans, managing tasks such as payment collection and reducing Demurrage and Detention fees.

The freight industry is changing fast, and those who embrace AI will lead the charge. At Starboard, we’re committed to helping you navigate this transformation with confidence. 

Ready to see how AI can revolutionize your freight forwarding operations? Schedule a demo with Starboard today.

About Starboard

Starboard is revolutionizing global trade by building cutting-edge virtual infrastructure. With advancements in Large Language Models and Machine Learning, we’re leveraging technology to drive the next phase of growth in the industry.

Our flagship products, Starboard OS and Starboard Quote Tools, harness the power of AI and live API integrations to help freight forwarders win more business and deliver best-in-class shipment execution.
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